
The Ultimate Attention Grabbing Billboards From Around the World!

James Loftus - April 2, 2023

The Ultimate Attention Grabbing Billboards From Around the World!
Image source: Twitter-brilliant_ads

It Fits!

In a very innovative manner, Honda motorcars has found a way to impress upon potential customers just how much one can actually fit into their model, the “Honda Fit,” The only thing they are missing in that cacophony of miscellaneous items is the kitchen sink, which, I’m sure they would have you believe could actually fit in their tiny Honda fit. This effort by the marketing gurus at the Japanese auto giant is nicely done,and will undoubtedly draw quite a bit of attention to their product.

The Ultimate Attention Grabbing Billboards From Around the World!
Image source: Twitter-brilliant_ads

Something’s Amiss

Well, your mother used to always say that drinking a lot of milk would make you strong. Or was that it would make your bones strong? Either way, Anando milk is clearly going with the first one here, and in a very creative way. In looking at this thing, my first impression was that it was only a photoshop job and not the real thing, but it turns out that the creatives behind the Anando brand did such a good job that I, and probably many others, have been easily fooled by some very ingenious billboard placement on the side of an actual building!

The Ultimate Attention Grabbing Billboards From Around the World!
Image source: Twitter-brilliantads

The Golden Arches

Once again, we have another example of getting the message across with very little effort. There may be no more famous image than the golden arches of McDonald’s. With such recognizability, you don’t even need to have an image of the arches themselves, even a silhouette will do the trick! And what makes this particular ad so effective is that the message it is conveying is that the golden arches are open at night. Quite ingenious to say the least!

The Ultimate Attention Grabbing Billboards From Around the World!
Image source: YMCA


Sometimes you really need things to be subtle to get your message across, and that is what the YMCA has done here. The Young Men’s Catholic Association has been around for decades. It is a very bare bones organization that offers services for individuals and families who are in need. This includes making sure that kids who are on the margins of society and require help staying out of trouble have a place to hang out and take part in extra curricular activities, so setting up a billboard in the guise of a basketball hoop does a nice job to reinforce this message without any unnecessary “hoopla,” pun intended:)

The Ultimate Attention Grabbing Billboards From Around the World!
Image source: Twitter-brilliant_ads

Buckle up Homie!

This ad is effective for a few reasons. One, it’s a clever, 3-dimensional effort that takes up a decent chunk of real estate, and will be sure to draw the attention of the passing traffic, but it also has a more serious message, that, even though a person is in the back seat, they still need to wear a seat belt to avoid being sling-shotted through the front window. This message, combined with the 3-dimensional sling shot, will surely be enough to remind you that you need to buckle up the next time you climb into the back seat of a car.

The Ultimate Attention Grabbing Billboards From Around the World!
Image source: Twitter-brilliant_ads

It’s All Politics in the End

If you’re not familiar with American politics, then the above billboard might go over your head. In summary, we have an elephant, the symbol for the Republican party, and a donkey, the symbol for the Democrat party. It is clear from this particular ad that, in the year 2012, the Republicans were going to push out the Democrats from power. More than likely, this was in a “Red,” or Republican state where this type of rhetoric would not only be accepted, but welcomed. Or, if it was in a “Blue,” or Democrat state, then it might just be the Republicans looking to poke the bear!

The Ultimate Attention Grabbing Billboards From Around the World!
Image source: Twitter-brilliant_ads

Pay Attention

If you’ve ever driven behind a big rig, 18-wheele truck, you know what this ad is about. Unfortunately for drivers, the back of those trucks is right about at eye level. If the driver of the car is not paying attention and rams into the back of that truck, the end result is an instant convertible just like this advertisement points out. There may be some people that call this advertisement extreme and a distasteful scare tactic, but what would you rather have, a distasteful scare tactic, or yet another news report about a family wiped out after ramming into the back of a big truck?
