In advertising, it is all about capturing the imagination of the observer in such a way that they will not only remember your product, but also be inspired to purchase it. With this in mind, advertising agencies have, at times, gone completely overboard with their campaigns to a point where people are so impressed with the cleverness of the ad that they don’t even pay attention to the product the ad is hawking. This was the case for a number of years with NFL Superbowl commercials where each company paid a premium to try to outdo the others, and while viewers talked about the funny ad campaigns the next day at the water cooler, they often had trouble recalling the product of those campaigns, and that was a problem.
Below, we will show you a wide variety of billboards, most of them incredibly clever, so much so that there is a decent chance you will be so impressed with the advertisement that you will simply gloss over the actual product being hawked. This is a fine tightrope that companies must walk gingerly, because the entire point is not to entertain the viewers for entertainment sake, it is to sell their products, period. So please follow along as we present to you our list of the ultimate attention grabbing billboards from around the world.