Kendra and Maliyah Herrin experienced a rollercoaster ride of their early lives that most of us can’t even imagine. The pair were born as conjoined twins, an extremely rare condition that only occurs in one in 49,000 to one in 189,000 births. The twins shared an abdomen and pelvis when they were born, with each twin having control over one leg. Their upcoming journey seemed insurmountable, but thanks to modern technology, empathetic doctors, and the enduring bravery and love of their parents, the twins were separated in 2006 and given the opportunity to lead a more normal life. The twins have never been shy about speaking on their experiences and have spent their young lives advocating for better treatment of those with disabilities. They’ve given several interviews about their past and what they’re looking forward to in the future. Read on to learn all about Kendra and Maliyah’s inspirational story, and where they plan to go from here!

Born In Salt Lake City In 2002
Parents Erin and Jake Herrin welcomed their twins into the world at the University of Utah Medical Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. Kendra and Maliyah were born as Ischiopagus/Omphalopagus conjoined twins, which means they were joined at the abdomen and the pelvis. The twins shared an abdomen, pelvis, liver, kidney, and large intestine, and each twin controlled one leg. This type of condition is extraordinarily rare, and many twins with these conditions aren’t born alive. However, Kendra and Maliyah defied the odds and entered the world as a healthy set. Erin and Jake were warned by the medical team that the odds of their twins’ survival were low. But the parents had hope that their strong daughters would beat the odds, and they were determined to do everything in their power to give their children a chance at life.