Celine Dion
Celine Dion, also known as the “Queen of Power Ballads,” is a popular Canadian singer with a devoted fanbase and a loving family. Dion grew up in a large family and always dreamed of having children of her own. After marrying a man decades older than herself, Rene Angélil, in 1994, it seemed Dion’s dreams of starting a family were going to come true. Unfortunately, Dion suffered from infertility issues, which lead to her receiving fertility treatments. She ultimately gave birth to her oldest son in 2001 and went on to have fraternal twins in 2010. Despite a fast-paced, whirlwind career, medical problems, and the death of her husband in 2016, Dion never wavered from her desire to parent her children herself. She never hired a nanny to help raise her family, instead preferring to spend every possible minute with the children she’d fought so hard to conceive.