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Weird Home Remedies That Actually Work

CR Staff - JA - September 3, 2023

Ease That Tonsilitis with Salt Water

Although we are frequently advised to rinse our mouth and gargle with saltwater when our gums are inflamed or painful, the advantages of saltwater extend beyond that. Saltwater is also effective in alleviating the pain and swelling associated with tonsillitis.

Weird Home Remedies That Actually Work
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This mixture also helps with a sore throat and a number of respiratory tract infections. High salt content in the water reduces inflammation and pain, eventually subsiding the infection. To make a saltwater solution for gargling and swishing in your mouth, simply mix half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of lukewarm water.

Cloves For Pearly Whites

The agony of a toothache can be so intense that it can reduce a grown man to tears, making it crucial to have cloves readily available in the house. They are a proven home remedy against toothaches and other dental problems, and you might even notice some in your dentist’s office next time you’re visiting.

Weird Home Remedies That Actually Work
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Eugenol, a chemical present in cloves, functions as an anesthetic to alleviate pain and possesses antibacterial characteristics as well. You can apply the clove oil on your tooth with a cotton swab, or chew down upon a few whole cloves. Just don’t swallow!

Fight Hair Loss with Stinging Nettle

For some people, hair loss and baldness can be truly devastating. Unfortunately, many home remedies that are commonly suggested for hair loss are ineffective. However, stinging nettle is one of those home remedies that has actually proven to work.

Weird Home Remedies That Actually Work
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While it may not be able to grow the lost hair back, it can greatly slow down the process of hair loss. Applying stinging nettle to your scalp or drinking the tea multiple times per day can significantly improve the health of your hair.

Honey Lips

Instead of using regular Chapstick, consider using raw honey as a lip moisturizer. Raw honey is packed with natural nutrients, plant-based components, and healing properties that can effectively nourish your lips. Honey helps with chapped lips, giving you smooth and soft lips in no time. Raw and organic honey helps with chapped lips and gives you a smooth and soft skin in no time.

Weird Home Remedies That Actually Work
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Apply it a few times a day to the affected area, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the results. Honey is also good for cracked and acne-prone skin and even the hair. Just stay away from the bees and you’re good to go.

Rid Your Eyes of Puffiness with Tea Bags

We all know people place cucumbers over the eyes as a refreshing past-time and spa treatment, usually coupled with a relaxing facial. Were you aware that tea bags are highly effective in reducing eye puffiness and tiredness?

Weird Home Remedies That Actually Work
Image courtesy of deirdre-scott-rogerson/Youtube

It’s true! By consistently applying tea bags to the eyes, that puffiness can vanish like magic. You can also store them in the fridge and use them to cool down burning eyes whenever you need. Caffeinated teas that contain tannic acid also help to reduce puffiness and make you feel fresh.
