Making A Difference With The UNHRC
Determined to make a difference, Jolie joined the UNHRC (United Nations Human Rights Council) in 2001. She served as a Goodwill Ambassador from 2001-2012 and then as Special Envoy from 2012-2022. She dedicated over 20 years to working on human rights issues, and during this time she traveled to over 30 different countries. Jolie met with refugees to help improve their living conditions and provide them with humanitarian and developmental support. Speaking on her experiences in an interview with UNHRC, Jolie had this to say about the people she met during her philanthropist trips, “Really, it’s just person after person in every different country that has a life that I can’t even imagine and has gone through horror that I can’t even imagine. And yet, in every country, every family was more generous than I have met in other countries with their time or whatever they had.” She became a strong advocate for human rights issues and became determined to use her visibility as a star to bring awareness to the issues she encountered.