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Twins using the old “switcheroo” to get over on the unsuspecting

James Loftus - March 1, 2023

Double trouble

Twins using the old “switcheroo” to get over on the unsuspecting
Image source: Patch

I don’t know how I would react if I saw these two identical twin cops show up at my door? However, I do have an older half-brother who is a cop, and he took me for a ride along with him on patrol one day. Even though we are only half-brothers, and I am much taller and thinner than him, we did have a person on a call ask us if we were brothers, which we quickly denied. But, I feel like I can safely say, there is no way whatsoever, these two could deny they are brothers.

Twin success

Twins using the old “switcheroo” to get over on the unsuspecting
Image source: Adriana Medina/Pinterest


This would be a super easy one to pull off, because you are usually in a very large auditorium or hall, and generally, you are not in close proximity with the school administration. And if the school is large enough, like a university for example, there are not really going to be too many people who would know you in the first place. If they did know you, they will probably not know you well enough to be able to tell you apart to begin with. In the end, it is still a pretty cool caper to pull off and something that you can tell your friends about for years to come.

But, I really need this job

Twins using the old “switcheroo” to get over on the unsuspecting
Image source: Lawrsee/Reddit


Ah, now this is getting a bit more interesting as we’re delving into, what might be considered, serious fraud bordering on criminal activity. Here you have one twin sister who likes to toke on the green leaf, and another who is willing to commit a fraudulent act with the intent to fool the drug screening program of a company her twin is trying to get hired by. There is all kinds of deviancy here, and if I’m her, I’d really have to think about my personal choices and the lengths I would go to get hired for a job.

Well, that didn’t go as expected

Twins using the old “switcheroo” to get over on the unsuspecting
Image source: attartwins/Reddit


Even Stevie Wonder saw this one coming. How can you dress up as your twin sister and kiss her boyfriend without expecting that there would be hell to pay? Well, it seems like that’s exactly what happened here with this twin who, for some reason, thought that she could get away with kissing her sister’s boyfriend as a joke, not taking into account the fact that he sister would not take too kindly to it? I’m not sure who got more of the smoke from the unsuspecting sister, her twin, or the boyfriend, but in the end, it was a wrap for the relationships all around.

Wait, you’re beating up the wrong twin!!!

Twins using the old “switcheroo” to get over on the unsuspecting
Image source: leahpercacciolo/Instagram


This may be the only instance on this list where simply being a twin to someone had the potential for physical pain and suffering at the hands of a confused bully. Just imagine, you are walking through the school halls, minding your own business when another kid who is much taller and “wider,” comes up and begins to pummel you into submission without explanation? You have to yell and scream to the bully that he’s actually pummeling the “wrong” twin! Unfortunately for you, you’ve had to withstand a serious whooping before the bully realizes his error and let’s up on the abuse.

Twin talent

Twins using the old “switcheroo” to get over on the unsuspecting
Image source:


Okay, here’s the real question, even though these twins “look very much alike,” are they of the same talent level. This is yet another example where, if you are going to pull the old “switcheroo,” it cannot be only about looking like, you’ve also got to be as good a musician as your twin in order to pull off the scam. Evidently, that was the case here as, according to the writer, her and her twin were able to do this successfully and were never caught.

Oh now you didn’t!

Twins using the old “switcheroo” to get over on the unsuspecting
Image source: Tracy Tuley/Pinterest


This may be one of the better gags, because, while almost all of the switcheroos on this list are involving the twins working in tandem with each other, this is one twin actually deceiving the other twin. The question I have is, did the other twin also show up to take his class picture, and if he did, which one of the twin’s photos were used in the school yearbook? I think it would be hilarious if the twin who showed up and pretending to be his brother actually had his photo printed in the yearbook. That would be a story they could tell at partied for years to come!
