
The 6 Best War Movies

Ben - July 1, 2022

Movies help us get away from reality for a bit with its alternative world. However, there are moments where things are based on real events. Here are some of the best war movies.

Black Hawk Down (2001)

Here’s a movie that details a near-disastrous mission that happened in October 1993. They were sent to destabilize the government and bring aid to the starving people. However, the unexpected attack by Somalian forces brought down two US helicopters.

Saving Private Ryan (1998)

The story starts off with the Allied invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944. Unfortunately, two brothers were killed in the battle. Earlier, it was found that a third brother perished. The mother is to receive three telegrams of her three sons passing. However, Captain Miller discovers that another Private Ryan (the fourth brother) is out there. He sends a group of men to discover him and to take him back to his mother.

Gladiator (2000)

In a struggle for power, a former Roman general named Maximus sets out to get revenge against a corrupt emperor who murdered his family. He was set to be heir to emperor Marcus Aurelius, but the birth son Commodus got jealous. Due to Maximus’ failure, he was sent to fight in the Gladiator games, and his family condemned to death. Maximus wants to seek revenge by doing well enough at the games to reach the top.

Glory (1989)

Here’s a Civil War flick that has people from slavery fighting for freedom in the Union army. Colonel Shaw led the first company of black soldiers, and he had to deal with prejudice from his privileged side of things and his lack of major experience as a soldier/colonel from the military perspective.

Braveheart (1995)

William Wallace is a Scottish rebel who leads a force against cruel English ruler Edward the Longshanks. His ultimate goal: free Scotland once and for all.

Pearl Harbor (2001)

With a mix of love and war, here’s a movie based around the Pearl Harbor attack that Sunday morning.

The 6 Best War Movies


The 6 Best War Movies



