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Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic

Chuvic - May 18, 2023

Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic
Photo credit: Shutterstock

The Novella That Predicted The Fate of The Titanic

In 1898, author Morgan Robertson wrote a novella called “Futility,” which seems to predate the events of the Titanic’s tragedy. The novella tells the story of an “unsinkable” ship that tragically sinks after colliding with an iceberg, just like the Titanic did fourteen years later. What’s even more eerie is that the fictional ship in the book was named Titan, with the subtitle, “The Wreck of the Titan.” However, there was one major difference: almost all of the passengers on the Titan perished, with only 13 survivors, while over 700 of the Titanic’s 2,200 passengers were rescued.

Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic
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The Solar Eclipse

During a total solar eclipse, the Moon aligns with the Sun, blocking it entirely. Despite their significant size and distance differences, they appear almost identical to us. The Moon’s diameter is 3,474 km, while the Sun’s is 1,400,000 km, making it 400 times larger. However, the Moon is about 384,403 km from Earth, and the Sun is approximately 150,000,000 km away. This fortuitous alignment makes them appear nearly the same size from our vantage point on Earth. What a remarkable coincidence of nature!

Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic
Photo credit: Imgur


A Bird That Knows Itself in a Book

Birds are smarter than we give them credit for, and this photo proves it. The bird in the book looks exactly like the bird that landed next to it, and we wouldn’t be surprised if the real bird recognized itself or thought the drawing was another bird and wanted to investigate. It’s pretty impressive, considering how small birds’ brains are. Not to mention, the photographer and person in the photo were able to remain still long enough to capture this moment. Hats off to them!

Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic
Photo credit: Imgur


The Curious Case of Will and William West

Behold the two individuals portrayed in this photograph: Will and William West. They bear such an uncanny resemblance that a clerk mistook Will for someone they had encountered before when he initially entered the police station, despite it being his first visit. It was the year 1903 when he got arrested, whereas William was already serving time in prison. Examining the photo side by side, it becomes evident why the clerk found himself bewildered. Some erroneous claims even suggest that this incident paved the way for the widespread adoption of fingerprinting.

Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic
Photo credit: Imgur


When Your License Plate Matches Your Dog’s Expression

We’re not sure if the driver with the “1EARUP” tag purposely bought their plate to match their dog or not. However, it’s still kind of wild that the dog happened to be looking out the back window with one ear up when this person noticed and snapped a photo. The dog is also pretty adorable with its one ear, so we had to add this one to the list. A lot of photos on this list just happen to capture really spontaneous moments, but this one might just be among our favorites for the dog in the photo alone.

Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic
Photo credit: Imgur


Reporter Takes the Spotlight with Her Name

Imagine this – you’ve been working tirelessly in your career, waiting for that one big break to come your way. Well, this might not be it, but it’s a fun little story nonetheless. Amy Parks, a reporter for an Australian news outlet, was sent to cover the firing of Australian Football League coach Dean Bailey. But here’s where it gets interesting – the whole event happened at AAMI Park, the stadium which shares her name. Though AAMI stands for something else entirely, viewers couldn’t help but chuckle at the coincidence. Back at the newsroom, her colleagues likely had a good laugh when she returned with the story. It’s a classic tale, mate.

Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic
Photo credit: Imgur


Doppelganger Alert: Identical Conference-goers

If it weren’t for the slightly different colored beards, we’d think this picture was photoshopped. Someone posted this photo after running into their doppelganger at a tech conference, and we can’t imagine the surprise these two must have had. They’re even wearing the same outfit. Both of them are bald, bearded, and wearing glasses. However, the guy in the background doesn’t appear to have any tattoos, or at least none that can be seen in the photo.

Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic
Photo credit: Imgur


Taco Bell Booth Meets Shirt Pattern

We have so many questions about this one. Firstly, where do you even get a shirt like that? Secondly, who knew that Taco Bell had such a unique pattern on their booths? This guy walked into Taco Bell and noticed that his shirt matched the booth’s pattern perfectly. The odds of that happening must be pretty low, but we’re impressed nonetheless. If only he could use this special power to score some free tacos or something.

Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic
Photo credit: Reddit, PupperZ77


Definitely a Coincidence!

It’s amazing how sometimes things come together in unexpected ways. For example, a guy recently noticed an unusual coincidence at his job. Newspapers were stacked up, and on the folded part, the words “this is not a coincidence” appeared. It’s like the universe is trying to tell us something. This coincidence is not only amusing but also an oxymoron. How can something that says “this is not a coincidence” happen by accident?

Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic
Photo credit: Imgur


Truck Photo That Blends In With The Mountains

Whoever designed the photo on this truck deserves a round of applause. The photo of the Rocky Mountains on the back of the truck lines up so perfectly with the actual mountains that it’s hard to distinguish between the two. You could easily mistake the photo for a real view of the mountains if it wasn’t for the border around the truck. The snowcapped part of the mountain even blends in perfectly with the truck’s design. It’s a true testament to the power of art and design.

Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic
Photo credit: Imgur


A Thrift Store Portrait Of Your Doppelganger

Finding a painting of your doppelganger could be a little strange, but this one is even weirder because the painting was found at a thrift store. Whoever posed for this photo just happened to look exactly like the guy standing next to the portrait. They both also like wearing the color red. Honestly, he should’ve bought it and told people it was him. We could only imagine how freaked out he must’ve been when he first saw this thing, like, “who painted this creepy portrait of me and didn’t tell me about it?”

Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic
Photo Credit: Reddit, BigFootDynamite


Disneyland Magic

In the early 2000s, Alex and Donna were a soon-to-be-married couple sifting through old photos for their wedding video. While looking at Donna’s childhood pictures posing with Peter Pan’s Smee at Disney World in 1980, they noticed something surprising in the background – a baby in a stroller, pushed by his father. It was none other than Alex! The couple had no idea that they both were present at Disney World as children, let alone in the same photo. This serendipitous discovery left them in awe, highlighting the true magic of Disney that connects people in unexpected ways.

Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic
Photo credit: Imgur


This Woman’s Outfit Matched The Carpet

This woman said she was at a random event when she looked down and noticed that her outfit matched the carpet. And after looking at this photo, sure enough, it does. Actually, it matches perfectly. We could see the blue color matching and just being a coincidence, but that top is pretty unique. So, to have both of them together like this is pretty rare, we’d imagine. She looks like she has a pretty good sense of humor about it and even laid down to get a photo of the whole thing. Her reaction must have been priceless when she noticed.

Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic
Photo credit: Ryan Miyamoto


The Coincidence that Led to the Reunion of Twins

In the past, separated twins had to rely on coincidences to find each other, but with the advent of social media, location has become less relevant. Samantha Futerman and Anais Bordier, two South Korean sisters who were adopted by families in the United States and France, respectively, found each other through an incredible coincidence. While Anais was living in London in 2013, she stumbled upon a YouTube video of Samantha, an actress from Los Angeles, who bore a striking resemblance to her. She dug deeper, discovered that they shared the same birthday and were both adopted, and reached out to Samantha.

Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic
Photo credit: Imgur, Fairdinkums


No, These Are Not Uniforms!

Here’s another coincidence that occurred when a guy’s brother traveled halfway around the world. And, upon meeting up, they discovered they were wearing the same clothes. What are the odds? It’s hard to fathom the probability of two people wearing identical outfits, especially when one has just traveled thousands of miles. Yet, here they were, dressed in the same shirt and pants. Perhaps it’s a sign of a deep connection between them or just a random occurrence that leaves us marveling at the mysteries of life.

Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic
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Identical Twins Galore!

We’re not sure what the odds are for this one, but it’s a rare occurrence. Two sisters, who were identical twins, ended up marrying another set of identical twins, and they all had identical twins. It must be confusing when the family gets together – how do they tell their partners apart at Thanksgiving? The children would be easier to distinguish since there’s a set of boys and girls, but the others would have to start wearing name tags or something.

Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic
Photo credit: Imgur


Meeting Your Doppelganger At A Coldplay Concert

Running into your doppelganger can be a pretty weird experience, but the girl in the back of this photo doesn’t look like she has a care in the world. The girl in the foreground had her brother take this photo, but as you can see, they’re both wearing the same exact outfit, and they both look strikingly similar to one another. This whole thing happened at a Coldplay concert that was going on in Sweden. We wonder if they ever walked up to the girl in the back and introduced themselves.

Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic
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Musicians and the “Unlucky” Age 27

Have you heard of the 27 Club? It’s a legend that’s both crazy and eerie. Apparently, several famous musicians have all passed away at the age of 27, including legends like Jimmy Hendrix, Amy Winehouse, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, and many others. The 27 Club is so notorious that there’s even a Wikipedia page dedicated to it. In 2011, researchers studied this phenomenon and concluded that there’s nothing suspicious going on. Nevertheless, it’s still pretty darn weird, isn’t it? Why do so many talented musicians meet their fate at this specific age? It’s mind-boggling, my friend.

Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic
Photo credit: Imgur


Finding A Book Cover That Looks Like You

This coincidence is pretty wild. This girl was reading The Merchant of Death by D. J. MacHale when she realized that her face matched the one on the book’s spine. We’re guessing she must’ve had to set it down for a second in order to notice. However, it’s pretty cool because if that’s the main character in the book, then she can just imagine the character looks exactly like her while reading. Everything from the facial features to the hair match. Finding something like this is more fun than finding a doppelganger in real life, especially if it’s a book you’re really into.

Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic
Photo credit: The Simpsons, Drew Angerer


The Simpsons Predicted Trump’s Win

The Simpsons’ ability to predict real-life events is legendary. But perhaps their most impressive (and depressing) prediction was foreseeing Donald Trump’s presidency. We were all taken aback by the result, but not The Simpsons. They had already predicted this turn of events way back in 2000 (although the images we now associate with this prediction come from a 2015 episode). Was It A Coincidence? It’s either one seriously creepy coincidence or proof of their prophetic powers. Either way, it’s a fascinating observation.

Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic
Photo credit: Reddit, TheUnknown135


Coincidence or Amazing Prediction?

The ability to predict the future is a rare talent that few possess. However, that’s exactly what author David Gerrold accomplished in 1999 when he published his book “The World Of Star Trek.” In it, he predicted that the future would use a device called a smartphone, complete with all its features. This was long before the first iPhone was even released. Furthermore, Gerrold went on to describe a virtual assistant that could answer questions and perform tasks for us, which sounds a lot like Siri. It’s amazing how accurately Gerrold was able to predict the technology of the future, considering how different the world was back then.

Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic
Photo credit: Imgur


Two Docs, Same Name, Same Hood

It’s a strange coincidence, isn’t it? Two doctors in the same medical field sharing names, albeit with a flipped arrangement. It feels like a twisted joke. What are the odds of such an occurrence happening in our little corner of the world? Recently, someone found a leaflet featuring the two doc doppelgängers and shared their picture online. The question is, do they even know about each other? It’s highly probable that they’ve had patients mix them up and ended up at the wrong office. They may have even worked together, which would add another level of confusion to this bizarre situation.

Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic
Photo credit: Imgur


Discovering Your Dream Sofa through a Classified Ad

Oh, the plight of this sofa! Its owner stumbled upon a captivating photograph of it in a newspaper advertisement. However, this wasn’t your ordinary advertisement; it shamelessly insinuated that the time had come to bid farewell to this faithful couch and upgrade to a newer model. Frankly speaking, the owner’s sofa looked far superior to the one depicted in the photo, which appeared weathered and neglected after days of outdoor exposure. Nevertheless, it’s not entirely unfathomable why someone might consider parting ways with those dated floral patterns. They’ve been out of fashion for quite some time, or rather, an eternity.

Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic
Photo credit: Reddit, minty_farts


Woman Finds Doppelganger of Her Beloved Pet

A woman experienced a striking coincidence when she came across a dog at the supermarket who was almost identical to her own beloved pet, Flirt. The two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels shared an unusual trait: they were both missing one eye. While it’s not uncommon for dogs to be born with or lose an eye, the fact that these two dogs of the same breed had the same distinguishing feature left the woman feeling like she had encountered Flirt’s doppelganger. It was a heartwarming moment that reminded her of how unique and special her furry friend truly was.

Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic
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Separated Twins With Startlingly Similar Lives

Two twins from Ohio were separated at birth and lived their lives without knowing about each other. However, they shared an uncanny number of similarities. Both were named James after their adoptions, both became police officers, and both married women named Linda. But that’s not all. Each had a son, one named James Allan and the other named James Alan, and both even had a dog named Toy. Later on, both brothers got divorced and remarried women named Betty! It’s a fascinating story of how two people with the same DNA can lead strikingly similar lives despite being separated at birth.

Outrageous Coincidences That Defy Logic
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A Nurse and the Baby She Cared for 28 Years Ago

Vilma Wong, a neonatal intensive care nurse at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital in California, experienced an incredible moment of satisfaction in her job recently. After taking care of a premature baby who weighed only 2 pounds and 6 ounces and was born at the same hospital 28 years ago, Wong discovered that her colleague, Brandon Seminatore, was that very same baby. Wong was suspicious when she heard Seminatore’s name and realized that he was from San Jose, California, just like the premature baby she had cared for all those years ago. When she saw him standing in front of an incubator in blue scrubs, she was sure it was him.

The world is full of outrageous coincidences that can leave us scratching our heads in amazement. Truly, these moments remind us of the complexity and beauty of our universe. Whether it’s predicting the future or finding a long-lost twin, coincidences continue to spark our curiosity and imagination, inspiring us to discover even more remarkable things that defy logic.
