
Funny, Honest and Relatable Tweets About Married Life

James Loftus - February 22, 2023

Funny, Honest and Relatable Tweets About Married Life
Image source: @Average_Dad1

Damned if You do; Damned if You Don’t

Communicating in a marriage can be very challenging at times. As the husband, understanding your wife can be akin to learning the Chinese language. There will be instances when she will tell you one thing, yet mean something completely different. This may be one of the more elusive pursuits known to human kind, and it is always best to lower the expectations on your end. You may have to simply chalk this up to, “You’re damned if you do; you’re damned if you don’t.

Funny, Honest and Relatable Tweets About Married Life
Image source: @TheNYAMProject

You Said What?

Eating healthy is a challenge for most married couples. When we are on the hunt to find our significant other, we do our best to look good so we’ll get noticed. This means eating healthy and exercising, but once we find that life partner and settle down into a routine, all that goes out the window. This means that we can eat whatever the heck we want, so when your spouse comes to you with the mandate that “We” are going to start eating healthier, make sure to remind him or her that those days are over and you will eat whatever in the hell you want!
