Have you ever wondered what your favorite cartoon character might look like in real life? Well, Hidrelely Leli Dialo wondered the same thing, so he did something about it. Leli Dialo, a Brazilian digital artist, began experimenting with the concept by employing artificial intelligence software, Photoshop, and the mobile applications FaceApp, Gradiente and Remini.
With his little mixed bag of tricks, Hidrelely went to work, and the results are nothing short of remarkable. These depictions are so realistic that they appear to be photographs of actual people rather than AI generated images, and that is part of the trick. The AI takes the original image of the cartoon character and searches all available internet image databases. The software then combines actual human photos to arrive at a human interpretation of the cartoon character. Hidreley then adds his own tweaks via his various software programs and viola! You have a human version of Bart Simpson!
The thing to keep in mind is that, while many of these cartoon characters, the Disney princes and princesses for example, end up becoming a very attractive human version, there are a few that are downright creepy, so please be forewarned. To give you a taste, we’ve created a list of some of the most popular cartoon characters in the history of movies and television, brought to life before your very eyes.
Moe — The Simpsons

Whether he is threatening his customers with physical violence, or hiding the fact that he volunteers his time reading to sick children in the hospital, Moe Szyslak is one of Springfield’s most interesting characters. With his bulging eyes, distinct overbite, and searing scowl, one might think him difficult to replicate, but AI is becoming more and more capable, leaving us with a remarkably similar human version that looks every bit ready to don the bar smock, tie up that bow tie, and begin insulting everyone in the establishment.